
Neurofeedback, which is also known as EEG (electroencephalogram) biofeedback, utilizes the brain’s capacity to learn, heal and optimize in order to redirect weaknesses in brain function. 

Put simply, neurofeedback can identify and correct stuck, maladaptive or suppressed brain wave patterns. Over time our brain can develop patterns that become rigid or stuck, and these show up as symptoms or dysfunction. The feedback allows the brain to identify and reorganize toward more healthy and productive functioning.  The technology has been FDA approved for safety and efficacy. It can be used in conjunction with psychotherapy or as a stand alone treatment, with lasting results.

Mind Body Neurotherapy utilizes multiple types of neurofeedback to meet the individualized needs of a client. A plan is tailored specifically for each client after a personalized quantitative EEG assessment. There is no medication and it has been used safely for more than 40 years and is supported by years of outcome research. Neurofeedback has been shown to be effective with depression, anxiety, addictions, PTSD, explosive or disruptive behavior, motivation, memory issues, sleep trouble, attention/focus, fatigue, traumatic brain injury (TBI), concussion, migraines and other Central Nervous System problems. It is also used to optimize sports, business or arts performance.


MBN has the tools to help you clarify what changes you want and the skills to help you through your days with focus and energy. Do you feel like you have lost your way? Struggling with down moods or endless worry and stress? Are your relationships taking a hit? A safe place with support, confidentiality and freedom to speak can make all the difference.

Photobiomodulation/Infrared Light Therapy

Photobiomodlation means using light to change blood flow and neuron growth. Also called Infrared Light Therapy and Low Level Light Therapy, it can be used to assist executive funtioning, emotional regulation, headaches and migraine, concussion/TBI healing, chronic pain and blood flow regulation. It uses near-infrared and infrared light to reach below the surface of the skin and prompt energy exchange in tissues. This reduces inflammation and promotes blood flow through vasodilation. Mind Body Neurotherapy, LLC uses photon stimulation with the Regenesis3™ device and the iSyncWave helmet. The devices are FDA approved for medical use in the United States and have been used extensively in Sports Medicine Clinics and by the United States Olympic Teams for treatment of issues and injuries in it’s athletes.